National Bullying Study Finds Major Issues Impacting Teens
One of the latest and most ambitious studies on bullying and cyberbullying in middle and high school students begs to differ with the adage, "sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can't hurt me."

Study Shows Public View of Police and Body-worn Cameras
There is limited research and only anecdotal evidence suggesting that the public supports the use of body-worn cameras in policing. A new study reveals general public perceptions with some unexpected results.

Bobby and Barbara Campbell Donate $5 Million for Athletic Complex
The gift will name the Bobby and Barbara Campbell Academic Success Center within the Complex

Global Warming is a Serious Concern to Hispanics
A majority of Hispanics believe that global warming is a serious problem and an important issue in the 2016 presidential election, according to the latest survey conducted by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative (国产自拍 BEPI) in the College of Business.

国产自拍 Poll Shows Rubio Jumping to Second Place in Florida
Marco Rubio jumped into second place in Florida, a pivotal swing state where Hillary Clinton trails in most general election matchups with Republican presidential contenders, according to latest survey by 国产自拍.

国产自拍 Recognized for Its Commitment to Veterans
Florida Atlantic University has been named to Military Times "Best for Vets: Colleges 2016" rankings for the fifth year in a row.

Hispanics Believe Government Better at Reducing Terror Threat
Hispanics think the United States government is doing a better job at reducing the threat of terrorism but most are still worried about the possibility of a major terrorist attack on American soil.

国产自拍 Receives $2.9 Million NIH Grant for Bilingual Study
A psychology professor will continue a unique longitudinal study of bilingual development in children, focusing on language, literacy, cognitive growth, and academic achievement for Spanish-speaking children.

国产自拍 to Host Events in Honor of Black History Month
Florida Atlantic University will celebrate Black History Month with a series of events throughout the month of February at its Boca Raton, Jupiter, and Davie campuses.

New Study Pinpoints Behavior Type Linked to Binge Drinking
Binge drinking -- almost a rite of passage -- peaks during the college years. So this begs the question, "Are there specific characteristics associated with high-level binge drinking habits in college students?"