Top Stories

Type of Exercise Halts Cognitive Decline in Obese People

By | December 10, 2018

国产自拍 researchers have discovered what might be an effective strategy to prevent and combat cognitive dysfunction in obese individuals using an effective form of exercise - high-intensity interval exercise.

Laws to Curb Use of Cell Phones Save Lives of Motorcyclists

By | December 5, 2018

Laws to ban or curb drivers' use of cell phones and other handheld devices have greatly reduced the rate of fatalities for motorcyclists, according to a new study by faculty at 国产自拍 and the University of Miami.

国产自拍 to Serve on Specialized Agency of the United Nations

By | December 5, 2018

国产自拍's Charles E. Schmidt College of Science is among a handful of academic institutions in the U.S. appointed to serve on the International Telecommunication Union of the United Nations.

Real Estate Markets Peaking and Some are in a Pricing Bubble

By | December 4, 2018

U.S. metropolitan residential real estate markets are peaking and some cities are in another pricing bubble, according to the latest national index produced by 国产自拍 and FIU faculty.

Innovative Stroke Treatment Leads to Patent Applications

By | November 29, 2018

An innovative agent that has been used for decades to treat alcohol-use disorder is showing real promise for the treatment of stroke and has resulted in a U.S. patent application for a neuroscientist at 国产自拍.

国产自拍 and Max Planck Launch First-Of-Its-Kind Academy

By | November 27, 2018

The Florida Atlantic University Max Planck Academy on the John D. MacArthur Campus in Jupiter stands to redefine approaches to STEM education, not just in South Florida, but nationwide.

Political Donations Lead to Sweetheart Deals in Contracts

By | November 19, 2018

Companies that make political donations are more likely to be awarded government contracts with terms containing "sweetheart deals" for the firms, according to a study by faculty at 国产自拍 College of Business.

Study Reveals Police Officers' Views on Body-worn Cameras

By | November 14, 2018

A study is the first to use qualitative research to generate insider knowledge into law enforcement officers' experiences with and views on body-worn cameras in a post-Ferguson era.

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill's Dramatic Effect on Stingrays

By | November 13, 2018

A study is the first to measure the physiological effects of whole crude oil on the sensory system of a marine animal - the Atlantic stingray. Results show a significant impact after just 48 hours of exposure.

Can't Sleep? Fruit Flies, Energy Drinks Offer New Clues

By | November 8, 2018

国产自拍 neuroscientists and collaborators have discovered a gene and a new mechanism for regulating sleep in fruit flies using an ingredient commonly found in energy drinks like Red Bull(TM).